5 Fitness Questions With Kayli Jo Gagne

5 Fitness Questions With Kayli Jo Gagne
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and closeup
1. Where are you originally from and where are you based now?

I am originally from a very small town called Canaan, Maine.  I now live only about 20 minutes from there in an even smaller town called Cornville, Maine.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

2. When did fitness start become such an important part of your life?

Fitness started becoming an important part of my life almost about 10 months ago, in February of 2019. 

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3. What inspired you to become a fitness coach? What was the experience been like so far?

My inspiration was my up line coach, Ashley.  I watched her on Instagram for at least a good year and always wished I could do what she did but was too afraid to take the leap.  I finally said yes to the opportunity of starting Beachbody workouts and only 2 months later, jumped into being a fitness coach.  Being a health & fitness coach has seriously impacted my life in a way that I never thought it could.  I'm able to focus on my health & fitness journey, while also inspiring others to do the same, and I've been able to build connections and relationships with a community of women that I would have never met if I wasn't a fitness coach.

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3. You must have a hectic schedule, how do you balance your time to get in your workouts ?

I have a VERY hectic schedule.  I work Monday-Friday and some weeks Monday-Saturday 8-5 and also work some overtime on top of that. During the summer I also work part time at a family owned Dairy Treat, all while trying to keep up on house work, spending time with my boyfriend & dog, my family, and my boyfriend's family.  The workouts I do are designed to do right in the comfort of your own home, which does make it a bit easier, but when I first started these workouts I would do them in the evenings after work - I then became so burnt out because I felt I had no time in the evenings to spend with my family, and there would also be evening plans that would come up unexpectedly and then I'd end up skipping my workout.  I recently got into a morning routine, where I now wake up at 5:00am to get my workout in and do all of my coach work before getting ready to head into my 8-5 full time job.  It's tough sometimes getting up that early but I ALWAYS feel so much better getting a good sweat in before starting my day.  I always say, you need to fill your cup before trying to fill others, you can't pour from an empty cup.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shorts

4. How important would you say a proper diet is to staying fit?

It is VERY important.  Getting results is 20% working out and 80% your nutrition.  I'm not about "dieting" or cutting out certain foods, because in my mind that is not a lifestyle, eventually you're going to go back to eating those certain foods and it's just a vicious cycle.  I focus on portion control and choosing healthier snacks.  You can still eat pasta and bread and pizza, just focus on your portions!  You don't need a giant bowl of pasta but you can still enjoy soma pasta, that is a lifestyle. If you despise the "diet" you're on, you're not going to stick with it.

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5. What makes you Addicted To Progress?

I am Addicted To Progress because of how much healthier and happier I am since focusing on the health & fitness.  I've become a better person, girlfriend, dog mom, daughter, and friend.  Also,  I've never been one to focus on weight lifting, even when I used to go to the gym, I'd always just focus on cardio.  But since weight lifting, I've become absolutely OBSESSED with seeing the progression on my muscles. I've always been self conscious of my arms and legs, but I now love my body and love seeing the progress each and every day.  I never really understood when people said it's addictive, until I started seeing results.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling






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